The first part of the consult is no different from when you are attending a physiotherapy consult in person. An in-depth assessment is performed to find out what your problem is and identifying all the contributing factors that might be linked to your problem. Your goals and expectations are identified.
From there a modified physical examination is conducted which your physiotherapist will guide you through. At the end of this the findings are explained, and treatment and a management plan are discussed and decided on with you.
At Body Sense Physiotherapy we have many patients with chronic and complex pain conditions. Our treatment and management that we provide in the rooms with face-to-face consults, are very well suited to be offered in an online consult.
In short, the following occurs in an online consult:
For exercise and rehabilitation, we have a gym set up where you can easily see your physiotherapist demonstrating and taking you through a range of exercises designed to help you with your pain and limitations. Your physiotherapist will be able to see how you do your exercises – this can be in the consult room or on the screen in our gym. Performing your exercises in a home setting is beneficial as your physiotherapist can help you modify your rehabilitation to optimise your home exercise rehabilitation.
Body Sense Physiotherapy realises that this does not replace hands-on physio assessment and treatment, but we can assure you we will still provide you with the best advice and self- treatment we can. The scientific evidence available to us supports telehealth consultations as an effective form therapy in the treatment of a range of musculoskeletal issues.
If your physio believes that they cannot help during online Telehealth Physiotherapy treatment for any reason they will let you know and arrange for your consultation fee to be refunded.