Chronic and Complex Pain
Body Sense Physiotherapists have expert knowledge on assessing, treating and managing chronic and complex pain conditions.
What is chronic and complex pain?
- Pain that has been present for more than three months
- Pain that is impacting on your ability to do physical activities such as working, being active, exercise, socialising etc.
- Pain that starts to impact your mood
- Pain that has not responded to routine management
- Medical investigations have ruled out serious pathology
What type of chronic and complex pain conditions do we see?
- Chronic widespread pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic low back pain
- Chronic headaches
- Chronic musculoskeletal pain
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Complex post-surgical pain syndromes
- Neuropathic pain syndromes e.g. nerve entrapments post-herpetic neuralgia, radiculopathies, thoracic outlet syndrome, deep gluteal syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome
- Persistent pain that is part of presentations such as chronic fatigue, generalised hypermobility disorders, Ehlers Danlos, diabetes
What type of treatment/management do we provide?
- We often work within a team of multi-disciplinary health care professionals such as your GP, Pain Specialists, Clinical Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, and other health care providers to provide you with the best holistic treatment approach for your pain problem.
- We have a strong focus on thorough assessment of your problem
- We provide you with specific information and education related to your pain condition
- Individual sessions will be more specific and can include specific treatment approaches such as Graded Motor imagery, Graded exposure, Cognitive Functional Therapy, pacing, lifestyle coaching and targeted movement and exercise approaches
- Varied group sessions are offered from education based to exercise and mindful movement training.
- Group sessions are a great way to establish better understanding, gain confidence in new skills and create new habits through deliberate practice and awareness.